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March 19, 2023
Chronic Fatigue and Exhaustion. How Do I Know if It Affects Me?

Chronic fatigue is common in adults over the age of 20. About 60% of the affected people are women. Chronic fatigue can lead to depression, and unfortunately, there is no cure for it, only therapeutic options that can relieve the problem. Depending on the duration of the symptoms, we can speak of recent fatigue (duration […]

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March 18, 2023
16/8 Intermittent fasting

What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting represents a meal plan that involves not eating anything for a period of time, alternating it with time frames in which you need to consume the necessary calories for a day. This article explains the process of the 16-hour intermittent fasting, also known as the 16/8 diet or 16/8 […]

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March 15, 2023
7 healing teas you must try

Nothing is better than a hot cup of tea when you're feeling stressed or relaxed. When we experience negative emotions, people tend to rely on diverse medications or unhealthy habits, such as alcohol or cigarettes. In some cases, people eat when feeling stressed. Not many know that chewing is a natural way to relax. During […]

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March 14, 2023
Endometriosis Diet

What is endometriosis Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease in which tissue can grow outside the uterus, including on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, as well as the bladder, bowel, vagina, cervix, and the area between the vagina and rectum. It affects 1 in 10 fertile women. Firstly, to confirm the diagnosis, a gynecologist consultation is […]

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March 13, 2023
The Power of Practicing Gratitude

If you started each morning thinking about at least one reason why you feel gratitude, over time, you would have a different perspective on each day that awaits you. If you ended each day by writing down something you had experienced and felt gratitude for, over time, you would feel your soul growing serene. You […]

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March 10, 2023
The Role & Importance of Sleep

Rest is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies. Sufficient and restful sleep not only protects mental and physical health, but also increases the quality of life. The activities we engage in during the day largely depend on what happens while we sleep, when the body works to support healthy brain function and maintain […]

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March 8, 2023
Say Goodbye to Dry and Damaged Hair

How do we define dry hair? The appearance of "dry hair" occurs when the hair does not receive or retain enough moisture. This reduces its luster and can make it dull, brittle, and harsh to the touch. Dry hair problems can affect both women and men of any age, but they are increasingly present as […]

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March 7, 2023
7 Signs, Gestures, and Cues That He Really Loves You

One of the most commonly asked questions by women is whether or not their boyfriend or husband is truly interested in them. There is no better feeling than feeling loved and appreciated by your significant other, and in love, actions speak louder than words. By analyzing some of your loved one's gestures, you can get […]

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March 6, 2023
Heavy metal detox foods to try today

What is heavy metal detox? Lots of people all around the globe suffer from illnesses (even chronic) related to heavy metals and their toxicity. One fundamental cause of symptoms such as low energy and mood swings is heavy metal exposure through contaminated water, hatchery fish, or cleaning products. These metals travel through your body and […]

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March 3, 2023
8 Common Makeup Mistakes That Age You: How to Avoid Them

Makeup – a woman's best friend. Sometimes, we need to learn some tricks to avoid making makeup our biggest enemy. At the end of the day, makeup was created to outline our beautiful features, not to add more years to our face. There are some makeup decisions we make when we are young that we […]

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Meet Zoe

A passionate blogger and wellness enthusiast who's on a mission to spread positivity and inspire others to live a healthy, happy life. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the world of health and wellness, Jane's blog is the go-to destination for anyone seeking tips, advice, and inspiration on how to achieve optimal physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
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